
I am. Today, I am. In this season, I am.

With the tiny little challenges in my life, more than anything I just feel so grateful. Grateful for Jesus- that He loves me and calls me His! For my family- they pray for me, they support me, and that sweet Daddy of mine just gets better with time. So thankful for my friends. I have such wonderful, supportive, real friends, and they mean more to me than they know.

In my little life, I am just filled to the brim with hope. Hope because God loves me, He goes before me, and He has a plan for my life. Never for a moment am I out of His sight, and His plan is for my good. He hears every quickly-breathed prayer. He greets me with love always. He is my Father, my Savior, and my Comforter.

He will keep in perfect peace those who trust in Him.

I hope your little heart is filled with hope too. : )

And this hope does not disappoint us. For we know just how dearly God loves us, because He has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love.”

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